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The New Jerusalem Window

     The large front stained glass window facing Main street symbolizes the disciple St. John’s vision of a New Jerusalem from Revelation 21, Versus 1 & 2: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away….I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”


     The central figure in the window is Christ as the King. He is the dominate figure in the top center lancet and is seated on the throne. The Seven Rivers of Life flow from the feet of Christ. On his head is a crown with seven spires representing the seven churches, and above his head is the Dove of the Holy Spirit. The three golden rays emanating from it symbolize the Triune God. Christ is holding an open book - the “Word of God” - while his right hand is raised in a blessing to all. Beneath his feet in the center is the symbol of Christ, the Lamb, holding a lancet. St. John is depicted in the bottom portion of the center lancet. He is seated and holding a pen and tablet to write down the Revelation that he received on the Isle of Patmos of the New Jerusalem.


     The four evangelists - St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, and St. John - are written in banners across the four beasts in the top and bottom side lancets. In the center of the left lancet is an Angel holding a great key and a huge chain with which to bind the dragon lying behind the angel. In the center of the right lancet is the Angel with a golden reed to measure the Holy City. At the feet of the Angel are flames, a symbol of the Pentecost. The Alpha and Omega symbols are on the two side lancets in the peak with the Tree of Life below them. Across the top of the three lancets are the words “Glory, Honor, Power”, which are given to the One who is worthy, the Lamb.


     At the peak of the window in the tracery lights appear the walls and towers of the Holy City, New Jerusalem, with the word “Alleluja” in the streamers that are flowing across the towers. Each tower is topped with the Cross of Christ and around the towers are five-pointed stars, the symbols of Divine Worship. At the bottom of the window is the quotation from Revelation 21:2: “And I, John, saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, come down from God out of Heaven”. The color scheme used in the window is symbolic: red is for Divine Love & Courage; blue is for Truth; gold is for the Goodness of God; green is for new Life & Resurrection; purple is for the Royalty of Christ; and white is for Divine Wisdom.


     The New Jerusalem stained glass window was made by the Pittsburgh Art Glass Company. It was given to Jerusalem Lutheran Church by Cora B. Staley in memory of Henry Staley, who served as treasurer for close to 40 years.

The Jerusalem Rose Window & Sanctuary (Nave) Windows

                The Rose Window over the altar symbolizes Communion and the forgiveness of sins.  The grape vine that twines around the entire window signifies the wine, which is Christ’s blood, shed for all.  The sheaf of wheat is for the bread, which is Christ’s body.  The cup at the center is the new covenant (Luke 22:17-20).


                The sanctuary windows are different scenes from the life of Christ.  The first window on the right when entering the sanctuary (north) is the Bethlehem window, depicting the birth of Christ.  It features the  scroll, which represents his childhood and his education.  The second window depicts the Baptism of Christ.  Here we see the descending dove and the three rays of light; these symbols representing the baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Next is the beginning of Christ’s ministry symbolized by the water jars, which represent the first miracle at the marriage feast in Cana.  The story continues to the third window on the left side of the sanctuary (south).  This window depicts Jesus and the Passion during Holy Week.  It is symbolized by the pitcher and basin representing the washing of the feet on Holy Thursday.  The fourth window shows the cross and crown of thorns symbolizing Calvary.  Last of all, is the sun rising over the field representing the Resurrection.           

Narthex Windows

     The three windows in the narthex symbolize Faith, Hope, and Love (1 Corinthians 13:13).  The first window – Faith – is the cross and crown of resurrection, symbolizing that by Faith in the cross of Christ we receive the Crown of everlasting life.  The second window – Hope – is the anchor, the symbol of Hope.  And the third window – Love – is the open bible, which is the symbol of Love.


The Lutheran Emblem and the Latin Cross

     The window in the hall [beside the mailboxes] leading to the pastor and secretarial offices is the Lutheran Emblem.  The colors of our Lutheran Ensign are black, red, white, blue, and gold.  It is best described as:


                          We proudly bear as banner a cross within the heart,

                          To show that we have chosen Christ the better part.

                          Then joy and peace and comfort shall blossom like a rose,

                          Until our earthly blessings with worth of heaven disclose.


     The window found in the north stairwell depicts the Latin Cross.  The window found in the south stairwell (narthex extension) is a symbol of the Church.  Here, the church is symbolized by a ship.  The church is pictured as a ship that carries Christians over the stormy, troublesome sea of life to the safe haven of eternity.


Conference Room and Pastor's Office Windows

                The room originally known as the church parlor, which is now the conference room, has some very interesting stained glass windows.  These particular windows were kept from the original church building and installed here after construction of the new church.  Looking to the East is the window depicting the Lily and Rose of Sharon.  These flowers are both symbols of Christ.  Looking to the South are the windows showing Christ praying in the Garden of Gethemane and the other one of the Good Shepherd.      

2023 Jerusalem Lutheran Church

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and a Member of the Northeast Ohio Synod

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