Jerusalem Lutheran Church
415 S. Main Street
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Phone 330-482-2136
Divine Worship 10:00 am
Adult Sunday School 9:00 am
A Church Family Called To Plant Seeds & Gifts Of The Spirit To Nourish God's Children
Over the years, the Jerusalem Lutheran Church Women (JLCW) have continued to be very active either working in a group or individually. They focus on helping those in need by participating in local or worldly outreach ministries and addressing the needs of the church including fellowship events.
The JLCW Board is composed for four women who are elected annually to coordinate the JLCW activities and projects. Additionally, we currently have representation on Church Council by women elected to their respective positions.
Prayer Chain
There is an active Prayer Chain here at JLC comprised of women who work from their home. Prayer requests originate from members for family, friends, or others by phoning the prayer chain chairman. After the request is received, it is passed by phone to members of the chain, one to another. The prayer chain observes confidentiality and names remain anonymous when the caller requests confidentiality.
Our faithful, talented women have been quilting for many, many years making beautiful quilts that are donated to Lutheran World Relief. Every October we ship quilts to be distributed worldwide to individuals who have lost all their belongings during a disaster.. The "Quilters" meet twice a month in Luther Hall applying their talents and enjoying fellowship. During 2024, our quilters [from Jerusalem Lutheran, St. Paul's in Leetonia, St. Jude, and Greenford Lutheran] were very busy making 68 quilts for Lutheran World Relief. We are truly thankful for these wonderful ladies!
Altar Care
The JLC Women have always diligently taken care of the altar. The chancel paraments are coordinated with the changing church seasons and care for the communion linens. Additionally, they make sure that the candelabras are filled regularly for weekly worship services and special occasions.
Childrens' Mission
In 2018, the JLCW women decided to sponsor a "Sock Box" instead of the normal Mitten & Hat Tree that was done for many, many years. When the need for socks for children living in Columbiana County was discovered, it became our desire to help. Each November, socks are collected for boys and girls of all ages and donated to Family Services located in Lisbon. They in turn see that the socks are distributed to those with a need.
November 2024 was our best year yet. We collected 96 pairs of boys socks and 158 pairs of girls socks - a total of 254 pairs.
The following note was received for our 2024 donation:
"We received your 2 boxes of girls and boys socks, all 254 pairs! This means so much to the children who receive them. Thank you for your continued support of our program. This gift is a gift that will touch so many families.
May you each enjoy a special moment this holiday season, knowing the happiness you have provided through your service to children. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year".
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The women have been using their talents for a prayer shawl ministry. The shawls are knitted or crocheted in a pattern of three, symbolizing the Holy Trinity. Crocheted shawls are usually done in a pattern of one row of single crochet followed by three rows of double crochet. Knitted shawls are worked in a pattern of Knit 3, Purl 3. A prayer is said as the shawl is begun and then many prayers are said as new stitches are added. Once the shawls are completed, they are blessed during worship service before they are given out. The shawls are provided to those of all ages who may be sick or terminally ill..
Several select times throughout the year, gift bags are made for our Shut-ins and Veterans and delivered to them. It is our desire to let them know they are always with us in Spirit and they are prayed for. They always have smiles of joy on their faces when they receive these gifts.
In the Spring of 1967, Mrs. Lois Rehl (wife of Pastor Thomas Rehl) shared with the JLC Women the idea of making Chrismons for the Christmas trees at Jerusalem. The ladies welcomed the idea and soon began making the ornaments, but sadly Mrs. Rehl was killed in an automobile accident before the project could be finished. Thus, the ladies of Jerusalem proudly finished them in memory of Lois Rehl. The Chrismons have been displayed each year on the trees ever since. They have stood as a symbol of the love that Jesus brought to each of us and that you are filled with the Holy Spirit during the holiday season.
The Jerusalem Chrismons are Christian symbols. The Chrismon is a combination of the words Christ and Monogram. There are a total of 12 different symbols on the trees: the Chi Rho, Sun of Righteousness, Cornerstone, Cross & Orb, Circle with monograms of Christ, Greek Cross, Cross & Chi, Iota Eta Sigma, Iota & Chi, Fish & Bread, Cross in Eternity, the Crown, Iota Chi, Shepherd Crook, Triquetra & Circle, Eight-pointed Star, and the Star of Bethlehem.
Personal Care Kits
The Personal Care Kits are a yearly project for the women to help the needy. A select list of items are purchased or donated and then assembled in a rolled-up large bath towel and secured prior to distribution. In 2018, our women completed 50 personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief.
Christian Stitchers
Our Christian Stitchers group consists of crocheters, knitters, embroiderers, and other talented individuals. They meet monthly in the parlor (or work at home) where they apply their talents making hats, scarfs, mittens, etc that are donated to the Robert Bycroft School for the mentally challenged individuals in Columbiana County. They also make Prayer Shawls, Baptism Blankets, and Bear Dolls. They enjoy using their talents as well as the fellowship of all attending and are happy to share their ideas.