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There are always ministries happening at JLC.  Some of our ministries have been a part of the church for many years attributing its huge success to the dedication of its participants.  Our church Women are very active in many of our ministries. 

Vacation Bible School


Vacation Bible School is held each year in conjunction with St. Jude's Catholic Church in Columbiana.  It is held for one week for those from Kindergarten through 6th grade.  The location is alternated yearly between the two churches.

St. Pauley Textile


In conjunction with St. Pauley Textile, we host a free clothing drop-off shed for our community.  We accept used clothing, sneakers, belts, purses, linens, pillowcases, blankets, curtains, and stuffed animals.  All items must be bagged and placed inside the clothing shed located at the rear of our parking lot.

​St. Pauley Textile collects the donations on a weekly basis.  From there the donated items are distributed to organizations such as the U.N. private & government companies, and relief organizations.  This community collection is an effective way for organizations around the globe to get large quantities of clothing to those in need instead of having it thrown away. 

St. Pauley Textile is a family-owned company based out of Western New York whose goal is to get usable clothing to the people in the United States as well as developing countries.  Their diligent efforts have a meaningful impact in our local communities.  They are a member of the Better Business Bureau and have an A+ rating.

In 2017, roughly 16,930 garments of clothing were donated to our shed.  This number of garments is estimated t have clothed approximately 2,053 people.  Thank you to our community for such generosity and the willingness to help others.

Quarterly Benevolence


Each year four to five local charities are chosen as recipients of our donations into our Benevolence Fund.  All donations received are divided and disbursed to help these charities in their aid to the community.

For 2017, we have chosen Meals on Wheels, Oasis Food Bank, Columbiana County Chapter of the Salvation Army, and Camp Frederick (JLC is one of the Camp's founding partners).

For anyone wishing to donate to the Benevolence Fund, please mail your donations to the church indicating that your donation is for the Benevolence Fund.

Peace Garden


Many gardeners will tell you there’s something about tilling the soil, planting flowers, and watching the bounty blossom that has more to do with feeling close to God than feeling lucky about having a green thumb.


While reminiscing about her mother, Marie Householder, and her love of flowers, Esther Tucker first started thinking about the possibility of creating a beautiful and peaceful garden in the area south of the church where the parsonage once sat some 40 years ago.  She envisioned the garden to be visually beautiful as well as providing a natural and serene setting for personal quiet prayer, meditation, conversation, small meetings [such as Sunday school, Bible study, or Circle meetings] as well as a perfect background for pictures or perhaps a small wedding.


In May of 2003, Esther approached the church trustees with the idea of creating a garden on the grassy area beside the church.  Trustees gave their consent and it was approved in June by Council, provided the planting and maintenance of the garden would not fall under the responsibility of the Trustees but would be under the care of volunteers.  A “Peace Garden” committee was formed, zoning was investigated, a design was created, and estimates were obtained.  The final design met approval of the Trustees in May of 2004.  The entire cost of the Peace Garden has been through funds raised or money donated in memory of loved ones.


The meditation portion of the garden located in the center is in the shape of a cross.  The cross is filled with pavers, some of which have been given in special memory or in honor of family members.  A special paver has been donated in honor of all members of the armed forces, who over the years, have given the ultimate sacrifice – Honor To All, Past and Present.  An arbor that faces to the West welcomes visitors to the garden.  Tucked on one side is a statue of an angel where it is protected and shaded by hostas.  Statues of a lion and a lamb make their home beside each other in reference to Isaiah 11:6:  “The wolf shall live with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the kid…”.


A bulb garden highlights one area where tulips bloom in the Spring and an array of lilies bloom during the Summer.  Daisies, marigolds, lavender, stoksia, and sedum are among other plants that add color and interest.  In the Fall, chrysanthemums are in full bloom.  It is the goal to have color year round.  The area under the large oak tree is referred to the shade garden where hostas and lily of the valley thrive.  A statue of a young girl prays next to a stone plaque with the bible verse from Matthew 24:35:  “Everything else will pass away by my words will last forever”.  Also located in the shade garden is a bench and bird bath where some of God’s winged creatures visit. 

On September 16, 2016, a dedication ceremony was held for the addition of the "Little Free Library".  Crafted by Davey Jones of Chisel Me Timbers, it is styled after the architecture of the church and contains two shelves of books available for anyone in the community to use.  It is based on the concept of take a book, leave a book.  Jerusalem Lutheran Church is proud to have been the first Little Free Library in Columbiana County.  The location of every registered Little Free Library throughout the world can be found at

2023 Jerusalem Lutheran Church

A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and a Member of the Northeast Ohio Synod

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